
I changed my global parameters and now I can't connect to TMCL-IDE. How can I fix this?

If you are using a PANdrive or TMCM module, you should scan ID from 0 to 255 and at different bit rates.
In the TMCL-IDE, locate the COM port connected to your device listed in the leftmost column. Click on the COM port to bring up a new window with communication settings. Change "Search IDs From" to 1 to 255, and try this at multiple baud rates if necessary. See image at the bottom of this article.

If that doesn't work, you can factory reset the device. On most of the newer TMCM modules, one can short the two programming pads (DIO and CLK) and then switch on the module. Nearly all stepper motor modules have this feature (TMCM-11xx, 12xx, 13xx, 3xxx, 6xxx) and also some of the BLDC modules (TMCM-16xx, but not all). These can be located on the bottom side of the PCB. This also documented in most Hardware Manuals of manuals that support this feature (there is often one chapter named "Reset to Factory Defaults").

With PANdrive devices, hardware factory reset becomes more difficult because there is limited access to the PCB.