
The Hygrochron Viewer requires the J# Redistributable Package in order to function. Click on the URL below and choose the correct version for your architecture (32-bit or 64-bit). Then, download and install the redistributable.

After this installation is complete, install the Hygrochron Viewer.

1) If you haven't already, download and install the 1-Wire Drivers (see link below).
2) Download the 1-Wire SDK for Windows (see link below).
3) Open the 1-Wire SDK's zip file and navigate to here: Examples/OW.NET/C#/bin
4) On your PC make a directory from where you would like to launch HygrochronViewer (for example, call it "HygroView").
5) Copy/Extract the files inside the zip file in Examples/OW.NET/C#/bin to your new directory.
6) Launch HygrochronViewer by double-clicking the executable.

Visual J# 2.0 (second edition) Redistributable Package for .NET
1-Wire Drivers
1-Wire SDK for Windows or implement this Third party SDK with a C# version of Hygrochron Viewer.

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